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CGF Research Institute (Pty) Limited - Overview

CGF is a private company that specialises in professional services related with Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) related matters, catering for all industry sectors, no matter the size of the organisation.

Leading the industry

As a Level 4 BEE compliant South African company, CGF’s professional services and capabilities extend to:

  • corporate governance research (provided through the web-based product known as Corporate Governance Body of Knowledge®),
  • board evaluation & matrices,
  • strategic management consulting,
  • outsourced company secretariat services,
  • regulatory risk impact & analysis,
  • regulatory compliance & gap analysis,
  • coaching and mentoring of directors and executive management,
  • executive learning and facilitation,
  • leadership management programmes,
  • leadership change management,
  • group and individual workplace wellness programmes,
  • policy reviews and policy writing, 
  • executive search and non-executive director placements, and
  • corporate governance & ethics awareness training workshops (known as Governance Beyond Boards®) which caters for large corporates to small and medium sized businesses.

Organisations of all sizes in South Africa need to develop and apply sound corporate governance principles and institute high ethical values for the benefit of investors, their stakeholders and the communities in which they operate. Accordingly, they require material and tools to assist them tackle the huge challenge of understanding its broadness and where to begin, as well as instilling a greater awareness of, and compliance to, good corporate governance amongst all stakeholders.

Governance research

CGF has developed a web-based Corporate Governance Body of Knowledge® comprising feature reports that cover a broad range of governance issues which is made available to organisations on a subscription basis.

Within the Corporate Governance Body of Knowledge® (BoK), the company has developed additional governance subsection products to assist large and smaller companies within this arena, providing the Director’s Fast Track Manuals, Policy Template Handbooks, governance monthly reports, various published articles, monthly newsletters and monthly legislative updates.

CGF’s researched reports are designed to create a high-level awareness and understanding of issues impacting a CEO through to all employees of the organisation.  Our governance reports are presented in a simple, practical manner, offering guidelines and thought provoking insights that provide the opportunity for all levels of employees to familiarise themselves with matters associated with the governance, risk and compliance factors in their organisation.

The governance reports cover numerous facets such as; King I, II, III, PFMA, MMFA, BEE, Diversity Management, Records Management, Party Political Funding, PPPs, Millennium Development Goals, Dominating Shareholders, Social Media, Business Judgement Rule, Risk Management, IT Governance, Succession Planning and Board Evaluation, including a variety of local and international commissions, laws, reports and articles that highlight many interesting areas as they pertain to running a healthy business. CGF’s reports further deal with issues ranging from the role and responsibilities of directors, prescribed officers, company secretaries and auditors, social and economic impacts through to multiple governance recommendations.

In most instances, there are specific references and web site addresses pointing to the original source of information in the event that the reader requires more detail. The reports can be used immediately and they can be rapidly deployed with optimum flexibility to cater for a wide variety of requirements in a short time with minimal cost.

Annually, eleven new reports are added to BoK.

Unique research offerings

What sets CGF apart is that fact that the company is an independent body specialising in the aggregation of local and international best of breed governance research practices and services.  CGF approaches the subject from a holistic point of view, providing thought leadership to its clients in the field of governance, risk and compliance.

CGF’s services indeed complements its client’s own internal initiatives on governance and extends beyond what auditors and legal advisors typically concentrate on, i.e. accurate reporting and legislative compliance.

CGF believes in promoting the integration of governance practices as a process within an organisation, rather than a “once-a-year declaration of intent”. This integration has become a strategic differentiator for many in South Africa, where there is a growing trend amongst asset managers and investors to increasingly invest in companies based on sustainability criteria, particularly in those sectors where compliance to announced and proposed Charters is no longer negotiable.

Our clients

Our clients are progressive organisations who understand that Corporate Governance is the cornerstone of a sustainable enterprise and extends well beyond the boundaries of any individual profession, process, horizon or hierarchy.  It is essential to understand Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) in all its breadth and depth.


CGF is a strategic partner of the Proudly South African campaign whereupon the company was named a finalist in the 2006/2007 Proudly South African (PSA) / Wesbank Homegrown Awards in the SME categories: Product of the Year, Service of the Year and Innovator of the Year.  In 2007/2008 CGF was again recognized for its governance products in the Petro SA Awards.  Shortly thereafter, CGF was cited as being one of the up-coming SME companies by Small Business Capital, sponsored by MWeb Business, Standard Bank and Microsoft.

Through CGF’s thought-leadership and strategic vision, the company was appointed in February 2010 as a Nominating Partner for AllWorld Network and the SAFG 100 programme, which is partnered by Endeavor SA, the United Nations Office for Partnerships, Harvard Kennedy School and the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU).

Honorary and Corporate Patrons

CGF’s highly reputed current Honorary Patrons are Bernard Peter Agulhas, Tina Eboka, Professor Jonathan Jansen and Amy Kleinhans-Curd, each who are instrumental in assisting CGF's drive to see more companies becoming equipped to deal with the increasing demand to adopt and implement sound governance practices.

Our past Honorary Patrons are Dr. Mathews Phosa, Professor Shirley Zinn, Devi Sankaree Govender and Michael Judin, who served these positions between 2009 and July 2013 with distinction.

CGF’s current Corporate Patrons -- Rifle-Shot Performance Holdings and DQS South Africa -- are each committed to support and encourage the corporate governance aims and initiatives being promoted by CGF, specifically toward sustainable and sound business practices across all South African businesses - large and small.

CGF’s Corporate Patrons support the company’s core business philosophy which is built upon trust, respect and solid business relationships.  CGF’s Corporate Patrons themselves are also committed to sound business practices of governance and business ethics within their own organisations.

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The CGF Team