Theorists and management in the South African non-profit sector agree that strong stakeholder relationships are essential in negotiating the challenges faced by the South African non-profit sector. Despite the acknowledgement from the non-profit sector that strong relationships are key to achieving organisational goals, there is an apparent lack of knowledge and strategic thinking amongst them pertaining to the concept of stakeholder relationship management.
Considering the blurring lines between the opposing views of modernism versus postmodernism, a metamodern perspective oscillating between modernism and postmodernism, was regarded as relevant for this study.
Against this background the purpose of this study was therefore to develop a metamodern model for stakeholder relationship management, aimed specifically at the South African non-profit sector. Read more...
For more information contact:
Dr Irma Meyer
Executive Engagements
E-mail: irmameyer@absamail.co.za
Mobile: +27 (0)82 453 2068