Managing and Measuring Governance
Corporate governance discussions are often dreaded and simply avoided because governance is viewed as ‘intangible’. We can assist by making governance tangible, with real value and benefits which will significantly assist the board and executive, whilst significantly strengthening the governance at the organisation in order to avoid unwanted risk (and or negative publicity).
Our Praefectus™ governance application allows boards and executive management to establish a Corporate Governance Framework® to, inter alia:
- manage, measure and monitor the organisation’s governance health scorecard;
- prioritise governance areas for improvement;
- optimise organisational resources and performance;
- proactively avoid/mitigate governance-related calamities; and
- detect governance process weakness that may cause organisational vulnerability.
Praefectus™ allows the organisation to perform inter alia governance self-assessments as often as required and seamlessly supports the organisation’s approach to combined assurance.
Easy to deploy, the Praefectus™ solution includes secure and controlled access to:
- continuously updated pre-loaded governance checklists;
- real time governance reporting; and
- the renowned Corporate Governance Body of Knowledge®.
Please contact CGF if you and/or your executive would like to take us up on this opportunity, and deploy this unique governance assessment tool within your company.
Click here for pricing.