April 18,
2017 7522 7522
As its longest serving Corporate Patron, Rifle-Shot Performance Holdings (Pty) Ltd (‘Rifle-Shot’) has supported CGF Research Institute (Pty) Ltd (‘CGF’) since 2011. The business relationship has grown steadily through the years, and both companies have enjoyed the benefits of exchanging business ideas and enhancing their respective brands and market offerings.
March 20,
2017 8121 8121
CGF Research Institute (Pty) Ltd (‘the Company’ or ‘CGF’) is pleased to announce that Palmer Business Concepts (Pty) Ltd (‘PBC’) has bought forty percent (40%) of the shares of the Company. Furthermore, the Company has appointed Ms. Jené Palmer, owner of PBC, as its Chief Financial Officer with effect from 01 March 2017.
August 31,
2016 9708 9708
The Enviropaedia’s Eco-Logic Awards 2017 competition has been opened, and the public are called upon to help identify and nominate individuals, organisations and communities that positively contribute towards an environmentally sustainable world for us to live in. Each year, the best of South Africa’s Eco-Champions are profiled and promoted in the Eco-Logic Awards competition.
July 6,
2016 8739 8739
By Terrance M. Booysen
On the 16th of June this year, I had the distinct privilege of being invited to attend the open day of a registered non-profit home for children, aptly called C.H.A.N.C.E which is situated in Dunnottar, Springs.
June 3,
2016 10060 10060
By Terrance M. Booysen
As is the case with so many developing countries across the world, poverty is a matter which is discussed as a growing crisis by heads of state, business leaders and civic groups; but the trends of poverty continue to rise.
May 25,
2016 17329 17329
Experience shows that it is often not the complex legal issues that companies stumble over. In most cases, the complex legal issues tend to receive a lot more focus within a company and they are usually dealt with by teams of lawyers and accountants.
April 28,
2016 8656 8656
We are excited to welcome Vanessa Marques as the latest member to join CGF’s team of Lead Independent Consultants.
April 7,
2016 8497 8497
CGF is honoured to have Russell Loubser join the ranks of our professional team. We look forward to assisting more organisations and its leadership to build a new generation of admirable, ethical leaders whose aspirations are nothing less than placing the legitimate interests of their country and their organisation’s above their own.
March 31,
2016 8458 8458
We are pleased to welcome Gerhard Barnard to our team of Lead Independent Consultants. Gerhard is a Chartered Accountant (SA) with a wealth of experience over the last three decades; ranging from board-level strategic insight to entrenched operational functions, both locally and internationally.
March 14,
2016 8816 8816
By Terrance M. Booysen
Just over three years ago, CGF and Aon South Africa (‘Aon’) signed an affinity marketing agreement with the intention of leveraging their respective expertise, skills, products and services to their clients. At the outset, CGF and Aon were very mindful of not overlapping each other in the market, as well as being fully cognisant of their respective duties of protecting their client’s rights of privacy, amongst similar issues.