April 13,
2018 6952 6952
We are pleased to welcome Junadi Jooste as the newest member to join CGF’s team of Lead Independent Consultants. Junadi has acquired a wealth of business experience over the last 15 years in various industry sectors including Public Entities, the Financial Sector as well as Media Broadcasting. Junadi specialises in a broad range of Company Secretarial functions.
May 25,
2016 17333 17333
Experience shows that it is often not the complex legal issues that companies stumble over. In most cases, the complex legal issues tend to receive a lot more focus within a company and they are usually dealt with by teams of lawyers and accountants.
April 28,
2016 8656 8656
We are excited to welcome Vanessa Marques as the latest member to join CGF’s team of Lead Independent Consultants.