October 21,
2018 4787 4787
Since 2003, the executive team of CGF realised the complexity of business, furthermore the manner in which boards of directors would grapple with not only a barrage of increasing legislation from local and international sources, but also the business and governance challenges that arise from a myriad of changes spurred by evolving business models, dissipating traditional business boundaries, the complexities of mixed generational workforces, as well as quantum technological developments.
October 20,
2018 5115 5115
There is old-age adage that goes: “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” As this phrase evolved through the years, and as women have become key catalysts in changing the modern day professional workplace, it is little wonder that the expression is sometimes heard as: “If you want something done well and properly, ask a busy woman to do it”!
October 1,
2018 5387 5387
By Terrance M. Booysen (Director: CGF) and peer reviewed by Heleen Wright (Business Services Director: WTS Business Services)
Organisational succession planning, and the associated management and implementation of such plans, has traditionally been viewed as a long-term, deliberate and well-thought-out process. This thinking shouldn’t change in the context of modern organisations. However, the advent and continuation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has meant that the process of succession planning and management can no longer afford to be reactive or relegated to the backburner.