

Advertorial: Time to insure your position as the net broadens for prescribed officers (2015-02-27)

Advertorial issued by CGF Research Institute

What is now crystal clear for directors and prescribed officers -- particularly since the launch of the Companies Act 2008 (‘the Act’) -- is the fact that the personal liability as attached to directors and prescribed officers of any type of business operation, is unparalleled to years gone by.

Board evaluation – When boards ‘break’ (2015-02-26)

Article by Terrance M. Booysen and reviewed by Andrew Johnston (Altron Limited: Group Company Secretary)

It is interesting to Google the words ‘broken boards’.  Unsurprisingly, the search only reveals matters relating to broken skate boards or surf boards, and there is no mention of companies or organisations, where their boards have been ‘broken’ so to speak by its members.  Interestingly -- although there was a recent political connotation in this context where a President of a country has been accused of ‘breaking’ a Parliament -- one need not have much imagination to liken such an accusation in a similar context of a Chairman and/or the members of a board being accused of ‘breaking’ their board.