August 28,
2015 13714 13714
Article by Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Kenneth Chikwanha (President: ISACA South African Chapter)
There’s a saying that goes along the lines that “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. Rather ironically, this axiom was first coined by a French journalist -- Alphonse Karr -- in 1839 and it is as true then as it is today.
August 25,
2015 11650 11650
Article by CGF Research Institute (Pty) Ltd
As more companies are becoming exposed to the manner in which their leadership determine their business strategy and engage business transactions, so more questions are also being raised about the company’s corporate governance practices. Unlike years gone by when companies were not bound as much by various legislation and similar mechanisms to report to the public on their company dealings, today there are far greater reporting requirements and greater numbers of interested parties wanting details concerning companies and their daily operations.
August 12,
2015 12020 12020
Article by CGF Research Institute (Pty) Ltd
In an independent South African Corporate Governance Climate Survey (‘the Survey’) conducted by De Facto in April 2015, CGF Research Institute (‘CGF’) was ranked by one-hundred and forty business leaders as the leading organisation in the provision of corporate governance training. Sixty nine percent (69%) of the respondents recognised CGF as experts in corporate governance training in South Africa, no doubt as a result of CGF’s well-known delivery of high value and affordable training.
August 7,
2015 12197 12197
Employee wellness and disease management issues and their effects on the workforce have become not only a national issue for most employers, but a global priority too. The continued increase in preventable chronic non-occupational (and non-communicable) diseases has expanded to become a growing corporate concern.
August 7,
2015 12536 12536
Criminals target generators and solar panels for resale on the black market
As South Africa’s power crisis deepens, businesses and households are opting to beat power cuts by acquiring back-up and renewable energy solutions – from generators that cost around R6k and upwards, through to sophisticated solar photovoltaic (PV) and inverter solutions which start from around R100k. But as with any industry that sees sudden and significant demand, criminals have not missed the opportunity to cash in by selling stolen property to consumers looking to save a quick buck.
August 6,
2015 11532 11532
Hardly a day goes by in South Africa that someone does not become a victim of opportunistic crime. Social media channels such as YouTube are awash with video clips of incidents captured by onlookers, such as this smash and grab incident which took place on Witkoppen Road in Fourways during peak hour traffic. It begs the question of how we can protect ourselves from falling victim to the spate of opportunistic crime that seems to be an everyday event in South Africa.