May 7,
2024 4713 4713
By Jené Palmer CA(SA) GCB.D (CGF Research Institute: Director)
Too many board members only view their organisation’s governance framework as a means to assess compliance. The opportunity to leverage the outcomes of governance assessments to drive innovation and strategic change are often missed because organisational leaders do not measure the dexterity of their strategic processes.
April 15,
2024 4711 4711
By Jené Palmer CA(SA) GCB.D (CGF Research Institute: Director)
There is a Chinese proverb which states: “The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to a pitcher”. To ensure that organisations continue to thrive in an evolving business environment, boards and business leaders must embrace and adapt to the challenges being presented by shifting landscapes.
January 23,
2018 10542 10542
By Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Professor Michael Katz (Chairman: ENS Africa)
With the media spotlight on the dismal state of governance in some of South Africa’s public and private organisations, as well as many of its state-owned enterprises, there cannot be enough said about the enormous role and duties expected of the directors of an organisation.
September 15,
2017 8426 8426
By Terrance M. Booysen
While the board attendance fees paid to Non-Executive Directors (‘NEDs’) may be a strong incentive for certain individuals to avail themselves for these boardroom positions, it may be well worth reconsidering the risk and rewards. The onerous duties and responsibilities which are placed on NEDs -- including the demands made by the organisation’s key stakeholders on the board -- significantly increase the liability factor and make the ‘lure’ of the board attendance fees less appealing.
August 16,
2017 7960 7960
By Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by David Loxton (Partner: Dentons)
Directors and officers of all organisations are facing an increased risk of personal exposure. Their roles and responsibilities have become progressively more onerous in recent years, mainly as a result of new legislation and regulatory requirements, stakeholder pressure and increased governance and social responsibilities, as well as the complexity of trans-continental and macro-economic trading conditions.
February 15,
2017 10182 10182
By Terrance M. Booysen and reviewed by Andrew Johnston (Director: Corporate Services - Sun International)
As Sir Winston Church famously once said, “There comes into the life of every man a task for which he and he alone is uniquely suited. What a shame if that moment finds him either unwilling or unprepared for that which would become his finest hour.” Undeniably, this axiom would apply when new directors are not properly inducted within the context of their new board environment and the affairs of the organisation.
February 9,
2017 8491 8491
By Terrance M. Booysen, Lucien Caron and Robert Davies
There is no doubt that directors in South Africa are being scrutinised for their role within organisations ̴ and far more than in previous times. Board and executive decision-making is being challenged in parliament and in court and, at the very least, some directors have suffered significant reputational damage for not being seen to have properly and diligently fulfilled their fiduciary duties.
June 10,
2016 10163 10163
Article by Terrance M. Booysen
It is not surprising that many business leaders have become a lot more circumspect about their positions -- including their waning risk appetite -- as yet more draconian legislation enters the market in South Africa.
November 16,
2015 12684 12684
Business presentation by Terrance M. Booysen
As we all know, boards are powerful forces; and through their collective knowledge, skills, experiences and practice, their output is intended to cause positive and sustainable change for companies.
November 4,
2015 10866 10866
Article by Terrance M. Booysen
One wonders how many people have misunderstood the meaning and the commitment they made when they uttered the words, “until death us do part”?