May 27,
2015 13637 13637
Article by Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Sharon van Rooyen (Partner: EY)
It’s a fact. No matter which global or regional surveys a person may refer to, the latest 2014/15 surveys on economic crime all show that crime of this nature is on the increase. Economic crime -- particularly
fraud and corruption -- are causing organisations in both the public and private sector substantial financial losses, and increasing pressure on business to grow their revenues together with market volatility could be just some of the reasons why these crime statistics are increasing.
May 18,
2015 13067 13067
Presentation by Terrance M. Booysen is imperative that we make a distinction between words such as “accountability”, “responsibility”, “must” and “should” – and specifically so in the context of its use within a boardroom and its organisation.