November 26,
2015 10434 10434
Article by Jenè Palmer (CGF Lead Independent Consultant)
Do you have your finger on the ‘pulse’ of your business? Is your organisation equipped to survive the pressures in a changing business and global environment? These are critical questions which should be asked and answered by board members and senior executives alike.
November 16,
2015 12763 12763
Business presentation by Terrance M. Booysen
As we all know, boards are powerful forces; and through their collective knowledge, skills, experiences and practice, their output is intended to cause positive and sustainable change for companies.
November 4,
2015 10946 10946
Article by Terrance M. Booysen
One wonders how many people have misunderstood the meaning and the commitment they made when they uttered the words, “until death us do part”?