October 1,
2019 19430 19430
By Glen Talbot(CA)SA, Travers Cape (CA)SA and peer viewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA): CGF Lead Independent Consultants
If we have both internal and external auditors, we have combined assurance, right? Wrong!
For the board of directors to claim that they have discharged their obligations to implement a Combined Assurance Model requires much more than just the appointment of internal and external auditors.
July 17,
2019 3902 3902
CGF is delighted to welcome Travers Cape as a Lead Independent Consultant to our company. Travers has acquired a wealth of experience in senior financial management positions and fulfilled various strategic roles within multinational and local businesses. Being adept at analysing facts, figures and similar detail, Travers will support our clients in the application and verification of their combined assurance processes, including the associated functions that are linked in their annual integrated reports.
June 27,
2019 3680 3680
We are pleased to welcome Glen Talbot as the newest member to join CGF’s team of Lead Independent Consultants. Glen has acquired a wealth of internal audit experience over the last 24 years in various industry sectors including the Financial Services Sector, Public Entities, Media Broadcasting and the Motor Industry. Glen has a keen interest in performing governance assessments with reference to the Corporate Governance Framework®, more especially in the areas of internal audit and combined assurance.
January 30,
2018 9104 9104
By Terrance M. Booysen (Director: CGF) & Anton van Wyk (Partner & Risk Assurance Leader: PwC)
Organisations can no longer operate only for the economically-driven rationale of generating a profit for their shareholders and investors. Organisations are an integral part of the societies and the environments in which they operate. As such, they affect -- and are affected by -- both internal and external stakeholders, and are consequently accountable to them.
December 10,
2015 13036 13036
Article by Terrance M. Booysen
Considering the heightened awareness of governance reporting and the increased accountability attached to directors; so much has changed for business leaders since the collapse of Enron and WorldCom in the United States, the HIH Insurance Group in Australia and Parmalat in Italy.