November 17,
2021 3089 3089
By Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA)
Whilst most corporations across the world have had to make drastic changes to their business operations as a result of the Covid19 pandemic, many business leaders believe that the disruptions caused by the pandemic have inadvertently introduced more advantages than disadvantages. However, are the odds actually stacked against the organisation?
November 4,
2019 3819 3819
We’ve got some exciting news - the partnership between JGL Forensic Services and CGF Research Institute is now official! We’d like to take this opportunity to give you a little more background as to how this came about, and what it means for you, our valued client, going forward.
September 19,
2016 169329 169329
Article by Terrance M. Booysen and reviewed by Megan Grindell (Director: Carter DGF Risk Management)
In today’s heightened times of public scrutiny and calls for ethical leaders, it’s not surprising that many concerned citizens have become far more demanding for good governance and transparency.
July 27,
2015 12723 12723
Article by Terrance M. Booysen (CGF: Chief Executive Officer) and peer reviewed by Louis Strydom (Partner: PricewaterhouseCoopers)
For the past number of years South Africa has been placed in the spotlight when it comes to matters such as crime and corruption, and most of the surveys dealing with this scourge have a consistent message that this situation is not improving. Once again, the PricewaterhouseCoopers 2014 Global Economic Crime Survey validates this dire situation where 69% of South African respondents indicated that they had experienced economic crime of various proportions. Alarmingly, this figure of affected organisations had increased nine percentage points higher than in the previous survey results which were recorded in 2011. Whilst the PwC Economic Crime Survey also noted a shift in the typical perpetrator (now being found in the senior management structures), most concerning is the fact that these perpetrators are typically males with university degrees who are aged between 31 and 40 and who have been with the same employer for over ten years.
May 27,
2015 13637 13637
Article by Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Sharon van Rooyen (Partner: EY)
It’s a fact. No matter which global or regional surveys a person may refer to, the latest 2014/15 surveys on economic crime all show that crime of this nature is on the increase. Economic crime -- particularly
fraud and corruption -- are causing organisations in both the public and private sector substantial financial losses, and increasing pressure on business to grow their revenues together with market volatility could be just some of the reasons why these crime statistics are increasing.