October 20,
2018 5206 5206
There is old-age adage that goes: “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” As this phrase evolved through the years, and as women have become key catalysts in changing the modern day professional workplace, it is little wonder that the expression is sometimes heard as: “If you want something done well and properly, ask a busy woman to do it”!
June 4,
2018 5370 5370
As one of the country’s foremost criminal authorities in the fraud, theft, forgery and corruption arena -- known generally as white-collar crime -- David Loxton (BComm, LLB & MBA, UCT) is renowned for his legal knowledge and experience when it comes to investigating these crimes which are perpetuated by some of the largest criminal syndicates who are often intricately connected both locally and internationally. However, before David became highly sought after as a specialist attorney in white-collar crime, he spent several years ‘cutting his teeth’ as a state prosecutor in Cape Town and Pretoria, where he prosecuted a complete range of “street crimes” including murder, rape, robbery and drug-dealing.
May 10,
2017 9279 9279
It is reported that Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) -- being one of the people who drafted the Declaration of Independence, including the Constitution of the United States of America -- once said; “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.” Indeed, this axiom is entirely fitting in respect of South Africa’s very own Professor Michael Mervyn Katz. Professor Katz is renowned for his illustrious career which spans a period of almost 50 years, where he specialises in corporate and commercial law.